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Unit 05 - Personal Belongings 個人物品

Key Words and Expressions

Chinese Pronunciation English
daai to bring
記得 gei dak to remember
唔見咗 mh gin jo lost
lo to take sth
(把) 遮 ba je an umbrella
(副) 眼鏡 fu ngaahn geng glasses
(條) 鑰匙 tiuh so sih a key
(張) 八達通 jeung baat daaht tung a octopus card
(張) 信用卡 jeung seun yuhng kaat a credit card
(張) 紙巾 jeung ji gan a piece of facial tissue
(枝) 筆 ji bat a pen
(個) 相機 go seung gei a camera
(個) 環保袋 go waahn bou doi a recycle bag
(個) 銀包 go ngahn baau a wallet

Extended Use of Key Words

Chinese Pronunciation English
紙巾 ji gan facial tissue
毛巾 mouh gan towel
餐巾 chaan gan napkin
geng mirror
眼鏡 ngaahn geng glasses
太陽眼鏡 taai yeuhng ngaahn geng sunglasses
隱形眼鏡 yan yihng ngaahn geng contact lenses
相機 seung gei camera
seung photo
影相 ying seung photo taking
晒相 saai seung photo printing
八達通 baat daaht tung octopus card
八爪魚 baat jaau yuh octopus
八掛 baat gwa gossip