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Unit 10 - Daily Activities II 日常活動 2

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Key Words and Expressions

Chinese Pronunciation English
幾耐? gei noih How long?
平時 pihng sih usually
(個)鐘 go jung (an) hours
(個)字 go jih (a) quarter
(個)月 go yuht (a) month
(個)星期 go sing keih (a) week
noih (long) time
yaht day
nihn year


Chinese Pronunciation English
學廣東話 hohk Gwong dung wa to learn Cantonese
嚟香港 leih Heung Gong to come to HK
住喺…… jyuh hai to live in…
上網 seuhng mohng to go online
沖涼 chung leuhng to take shower
去……玩…… heui waan to go … to play…
放狗 fong gau to walk a dog
散步 saan bouh to walk

Idiomatic Expressions

Extended Use of Key Words

Chinese Pronunciation English
學廣東話 hohk Gwong dung wa to learn Cantonese
學太極 hohk Taai gihk to learn Tai Chi
學英文 hohk Ying man to learn English